Chapter 43

Hell, even Mike would have gotten married here, and cramped B&Bs were hardly his idea of wedding venue material.

Everything was set up in a great white tent, another usher standing by the open door like a bouncer at the world’s weirdest nightclub. More photos were taken, guests milling around excitedly. It was easily the gayest wedding Mike had ever seen—the binary dress code had been well and truly flipped, and there were honest to God feather boas floating about without a hint of insincerity. Mike was simultaneously startled—it was a bit like uni, really—and amused to see his staid, old-fashioned stepfather blithely gliding past a clutch of extremely butch lesbians without batting an eyelash.

The guests were settling. Mike glanced about uneasily. Where the hell was Stephen?

“You look lost, love.” One of Vikki’s aunts he vaguely recognised from big family events.