Chapter 45

“Ladies and gentlemen,” rumbled the usher, “pray silence for the best man.”


“I don’t know about that,” Mike said, and a titter spread around the gardens. “Am I the only one who wasn’t sure what to make of the wedding invite? Who the hell are Suzette and Victoria?”

Vikki flipped him off. Her new wife slapped her arm down.

“Oh, there we are, Suze is the girl, got it,” Mike said, giving them a thumbs up. “Alright, alright. Ladies and gents, for those of you who don’t know me, I am the wife’s stepbrother. Unfortunately my staid old chap of a stepfather came as a package deal. And if he was the luxury holiday, Vikki is the twelve hour flight in front of a screaming baby to punish you for booking it.”

Suitably warmed up, Mike took a long look down both barrels, and fired.