Chapter 46

“Turns out, we really underestimated Suze.”

He decided not to tell the story of the day they found that out—screaming domestics in the street probably weren’t the things to bring up at weddings—and shifted past it.

“As Suze kept on coming round to Sunday dinners and family functions, and had our Vikki—who can barely speak English, by the way—trying to muddle through Mandarin lessons to impress Suze’s great-grandma over Skype in Peking, we started to figure maybe this was serious after all. But so what? Vikki’s been perfectly serious before. Doesn’t stop the fact she keeps going after crazy women who can’t tell her when to wind her neck in. Sooner or later, we all figured, it’ll come crashing down.”

He paused. The crowd rustled gently. The soft murmur of Suze’s dad translating for an ancient old lady who was probably her nana paused.