I closed my eyes, finally able to relax.
6: Arrangements
This time when I stretched and rolled, I bumped into a warm solid figure behind me. Unfortunately, I hadto pee like a racehorse, and I’d apparently had enough beer last night to leave me with a bit of a headache. So, instead of snuggling up to said warm body, I rotated carefully, to not wake him, and stumbled to the bathroom.
An image of Tom Hanks standing for an eternity during that pissing scene in A League of Their Own ran through my mind as I stood for what seemed like five minutes while my bladder emptied. I washed up, then splashed cool water on my face before cupping my hands to drink my fill. I hadn’t imbibed that much last night, so hopefully, that would sort out the headache. I brushed my teeth before heading back to bed.