The plane taxied down the runway and took off, and I turned my gaze to my book. I’d brought Andy Weir’sThe Martian because I’d read it before and loved it, and I’d figured I might be distracted, so it’d be best not to try to follow a new story.
I opened the book, read the first three lines with the character thinking he was “pretty much fucked,” and closed it again. I didn’t believe in omens, but that summed up how I felt. It was just a question of degree.
The beverage cart rattled down the aisle with the two flight attendants working together. I was near the back, so it didn’t take long to reach me. I got a ginger ale, hoping it would settle my stomach. My seat partner got a beer, and thankfully didn’t do or say anything rude. Apparently, he was more of a behind-your-back bigot rather than in-your-face. Not that he deserved any honor for that.