Chapter 43

“Hey,” I whispered. “Let’s get you under the covers.”

At least he’d had the foresight to wear his pajama pants, so I only needed to get him rotated and between the sheets. He stretched and blinked a couple times, then a smile spread across his face as he came awake. “You’re home.”

I kissed him in reply.

“Mmm. Missed you.” He rolled and palmed my jaw. “Welcome home.”

“It’s so good to be back.” I nudged him toward the pillows as that word—home—rattled around in my brain. Sure, I’d often referred to my apartment as home. I’m tired, I’m going home. But “home” had always been Mom and Dad’s house in Brownsville. This had simply been “my place.” Living with Amber hadn’t changed that, but it felt like true home right now. Wes’s presence made it “home.”

I was going to be hurtin’ for certain if this went to shit.