Chapter 4

“I was doused by one of Garvit’s friends. Whatever was in the water made me react like this.” Clover stamped her foot. “There’s no way I can go. I can hardly see or breathe, and my skin feels like it’s on fire.”

“Surely Madam Audra could use an incantation to heal you?” Crevyn asked, but Clover shook her head.

“She’s already spoken to me personally. She can help me recover quicker, but it will still take some time since we don’t know what Garvit did. Naturally enough, his minion has no idea. Even threatening him with expulsion did no good. He just bawled and said it was only meant to be a prank. To delay me going on the challenge. He didn’t know what it would do, and I believe him. Garvit uses people.”

“Then, it’s just him and me.” Crevyn’s stomach flipped, the way it did when he rode Alatus and the flying horse suddenly lost height.

“Yes. I wish you all the luck in the world, Crevyn. If anyone deserves a Master, it’s you.” Clover held out her hands, and Crevyn took them in his.