Chapter 5

Not wanting to frighten the woman, Crevyn stopped at the edge of the clearing and called out to her.

“Hello. Do you need help?”

The woman jumped to her feet, clutching at the torn shoulder of her dress.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you, and I mean you no harm.” Crevyn used the same tone of voice he’d employed with many frightened animals. The tone soothed and reassured them, and it seemed to do similar for the woman.

“I need water.” She indicated the broken urn. “I have nothing else to carry it home with.”

“I have a water skin. Let me help you.” Crevyn drew out the skin from his pack and held it up, waiting to be invited closer.

“I have no way to repay you. Another man came by and he…” Her voice trailed away as she indicated her dress.