He cut a slice and nibbled on it as he tried to think of a way to reach the amphora. The sun would be setting soon, and Crevyn had hoped to have the Ninth Elixir safe in his possession by sunset.
A golden fish leaped up, snatching the remainder of the apple slice and an idea struck Crevyn. Making sure the rest of the apple was well away from the edge of the pool, he dove back under the water to where the amphora lay so tantalizing close.
His gift was an affinity with animals, but Crevyn hadn’t really explored it with fish. The golden fish came close and Crevyn pictured it reaching the amphora, bringing it to him, and being rewarded with the rest of the apple. Having repeated the scene in his head a few times, Crevyn kicked for the surface.
Clambering out of the water, Crevyn stretched out on the grass and waited. The pool remained still and Crevyn stared into its blue depths, still urging the fish to find the amphora and retrieve it for him.