“Is that all you plan to do today?” he asked, and I glanced behind me to see the petulant look on his face.
“Why is it such a bad thing? I like a neat, clean environment. I didn’t get to clean yesterday because I was finishing a project for you.”
He sat on the couch. “What do you do in your free time, Gus? I don’t think I’ve ever asked you that.”
No, he hadn’t. “It depends on how tired I am. I have TV shows I record, books I like to read. I used to hang out with friends from my old job, but life took us all in different directions, so I just…stay here, mostly.” I hadn’t realized until now just how lonely that sounded.
“You need to get out more. In fact, you’re coming with me.”
I turned to face him, still gripping the cleaning items in my hands. “And why would I do that, exactly? It’s my day off and I can do what I want. Your opinions aren’t needed.”