
Chapter 28

“You are Zack Milborne’s son?” Jordan’s heart started to pound. He didn’t want Trevor to realize what a failure he was, and if he knew his dad, he’d know that his son Jordan was a musician as well.

“Yep, that’s me,” Jordan said on a whisper.

“I can see the resemblance. Wait a minute. You’re Jordan Milborne of Phoenix Rising?” Trevor beamed at Jordan, and Jordan wanted to drop to his knees and thank God that Trevor wasn’t all like Wait what happened with the band, did the band really break up? His look was genuine and full of what the fuck.

“No wonder I recognized that sound. Well, not the sound because the band was a little bit heavier, but I knew that strum, the soft soul searing strum.” Trevor shook his head. “I mean, I…anyways. I just love your music. I am a total music nut. I saw you guys in concert at the university and I was blown away.”