Now comes the big question. Myles waited for him to speak, which he did moments later.
“How would you feel about putting in with me?”
“I’d have to think long and hard about it. For one thing, I don’t have the skills it takes.”
“I’ll teach you along the way. For right now, what I’m looking for is someone to watch my back when I’m on a job. It would make things a hell of a lot easier if I could put all my concentration into what I’m doing.”
“How long have you been doing it?” Myles figured Amery was close to his age, which was thirty-one.
“I started slow, maybe six years ago.”
“When you were?”
“Twenty-seven.” Amery smiled. “I’m a late bloomer.”
“I gather you’ve never been caught, since you’re still on the streets, and still a security guard.”
“Had a couple of real close calls, but no.”
“Do you like doing it?” Myles asked. “Or is it only a way to make more money?”