“I have no clue,” Myles replied with seeming innocence. “Okay, so today it’s your turn to call me one. Deal.”
* * * *
They resumed their discussion that evening after dinner.
Amery’s first comment, as they sat in the living room with coffee in hand, was, “Why do we care who thereal killer was?”
“Because blaming it on a burglar attacking them gives all of us a bad rap.”
Amery laughed. “You think we’ve got a good one?”
“You know what I mean. Burglary is a passive crime,” Myles replied with some passion. “A crime against property, not persons. It’s even classified as that. Hell, some people find the idea of a second story man romantic. They wouldn’t if murder was involved.”
“Okay,” Amery patted his shoulder. “I get the point. So how do you think we should go about proving who the real killer is?”