Chapter 17

“Just an apology for not being able to call you yesterday. In fact, I had a breakthrough, and I didn’t get to sleep till about one this morning.”

“A breakthrough? Meaning?”

“I got another song done for my new album. I told you my usual method is to compile songs from snippets I’d already written. But this one came brand new and almost fully formed. It hardly ever happens that way.”

“That’s amazing. Creativity is something I don’t possess. Where did your initial spark come from?”

“You, of course.”

Emerson’s jaw dropped. When he could speak again, he said, “Me?”

Sean laughed. “Is it so hard to comprehend?”

“Uh, yeah. How could I inspire you? I mean…there’s no way it’s possible.”

“You don’t give yourself enough credit. Can’t you see how infatuated I am with you?”

“I still think it’s the bump to your head,” Emerson said softly.

“Don’t dismiss yourself, Emerson. You’re an incredible person.”