He didn’t tell either of them he had a date with Sean that night. In fact, he denied seeing Sean more than that encounter. It would have opened a discussion he didn’t feel like having.
The morning passed slowly. Emerson sipped his coffee while The African Queen played on the television. The movie didn’t hold his interest. His nerves were too wound up. The coffee wasn’t helping.
Around noon, he finally decided to get out of the house. He dressed in sweats and took Ninotchka out for a jog. Sean’s songs playing on his MP3 player didn’t soothe him. It reminded him he had a date with a celebrity in a few hours.
The knot in his stomach didn’t lessen as he showered, shaved, dressed. His leg bounced ceaselessly if he sat, or even if he stood still.
When the door buzzed at five till seven, Emerson thought he might faint from nerves. He rushed to the intercom and pressed the button.
“Hi, Emerson,” said Sean’s staticky voice. “You ready?”