“Do you ever wonder where you’d be if you didn’t have Ebon?”
Kit had to shrug. “Sometimes. Maybe I’d be a famous rock star or something. But maybe nothing would change. I’m not really the orchestra type. I could probably teach somewhere, but they don’t make muchmore money than I make now.”
Max’s cheek dimpled. “I notice you said rock star. You did mention you liked that crazy music. I know you can play the piano, though. Can you play any other instruments?”
“Double bass, guitar—electric and acoustic—viola and a passable French horn if I worked hard at remembering the technique.”
That had the eyebrows up again. “You’re a talented man. I can’t even play the spoons.”
Kit grinned and handed over one of his cards. “You can tell your family you really don’t have any free time at all since you’re learning to play the piano.”
“I might just take you up on that offer sometime. I always wanted to try playing some of the pieces I love listening to.”