“Right on time,” Max said, giving Ebon a big grin. “I hope you like fried chicken, young man.”
“I want a drumstick.” Ebon took three steps into the living room and spotted the PS4. His eyes widened. “What kind of games do you have?”
Max laughed. “Why don’t you go look at the games while your dad and I get dinner on the table. I thought we could play after we eat. Or we could watch a movie. Check those out while you’re over there.”
In the kitchen, Max hurried back to the stove, dishing up the last few pieces of chicken. He switched the cast iron skillet to a different burner and set the plate of chicken in the middle of the table. “Want to grab that half-gallon of tea in the fridge? I’m going to make us some gravy.”
Kit grabbed that, then set out rolls and butter next to the mashed potatoes. He watched with interest asMax poured out most of the grease in his skillet, then added flour. “I can’t make gravy for squat.”