Chapter 26

“Guys, can you talk about this somewhere else?” He motioned to the still flushed form of his lover andtried his hardest to look as pitiful as possible. “We want to sleep. It’s been a rough few days.”

One by one, the guys’ eyes softened and Yakecen smiled at them with understanding plain in his expression. “Yeah, we will leave you to it.”

Maybe John tried too hard, or they saw just how honest his exhaustion was. It took a minute for the threeof them to move out of the Columbus, but solitude was soon theirs. Jason bumped gently against his arm, and John looked at him. Maybe it wasn’t John who was too honest, because Jason practically drooped where he floated.

With a quick kiss to Jason’s mouth, John guided Jason back into their new sleeping area with little tugs and nudges. Jason was the first one in, again, half asleep already. If Jason wasn’t tired before they came to bed, he sure looked it now.