“Yes, it is,” Saito quipped. A last waltz of Saito’s fingers across the computer in his hands and then he was off.
Jason groaned and dropped his head. Every once in a while, he managed to rush headlong into the stupidest questions. It was only a happy coincidence that no one else saw that stumble.
Though he didn’t want to, would have rather cut off his own foot with a hacksaw, Jason followed Saito into the Harmony for the briefing his commander wanted to have before they began planting. Yakecen and John wandered in at the same time he did, heads together about some detail or another most likely. As they all settled into a loose half circle, John shot him a grin before he started.
“Great job on the modules, guys.” John looked at each of them in turn, though his eyes seemed to linger on Jason for a beat longer than the rest. “Between all of them, we have more than enough space toget this show on the road.”