“Turlach,” John barked, voice hard and Jason saw the clenched jaw tick through the windows. Their commander needed to calm down. Getting snippy with the crew was a good way to make everyone nervous. Nervousness caused mistakes. Potentially fatal mistakes.
“Aye?” Was it his imagination, or did ‘Lach come off as a little surly?
John didn’t seem to pick up on their crewman’s tone. “You, Saito, and Yakecen get on those diagnostics. Commandeer any computer you have to. I want to know how stable the Station is, and every second counts.”
There was a grumbled curse in the background. It sounded like their engineer. Jason clamped his lips together, because he was pretty sure John wouldn’t appreciate his laughter at the moment.
“Eli, report to me at the Destiny airlock.” John locked eyes with Jason through the glass again. His lover pressed his fingers to his lips and then placed them on the window of the inner door. It was sweet and he couldn’t stop the grin that split his face.