“It’s not as if your original version isn’t,” Justin said. “Come over and get it, that sugar in your tea…I mean, if we’re talking barely disguised metaphors. If you want the less kinky version I was thinking about gingerbread and building a house together. Innocent and precious.”
“Um,” said Kris’s voice, without input from the rest of him, which remained focused on Justin and sticky and sweet dreams.
“Of course there are other things you can do with ginger,” Justin went on. “But more seriously, if you want something you can sing in public, well—we can build a house, baby, out of sugar and spice…”
“Um. Public. Right.”
“Just ideas. You can ignore me.”
“No,” Kris managed, “I like it, we should write some of that down, here, I’ll play for you if you want to write—” Mercifully, he could use the guitar as a shield. Now was completely not the time for that interest, the time might in fact be never, and he knew that, he knew.