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Chapter 6

Amused and horrified, I shot Grams a what-do-you-think-you’re-doing face.

She waved me off, holding up a shaky hand, waiting for Linda to respond. “Like the day when I first met you. Honored to be serving you, Marline.” Her cockeyed grin was horror-creepy, and as she gulped down another swig of electrolytes she sauntered away, pounding down the hall in her size twelve feet.

I whirled around at my Grams, waiting for a reaction.

“Blind as a bat,” she mouthed to me.

I couldn’t help but lighten the mood and laugh out loud. “I don’t know if I should keep you alone withthis woman.”

“Please! We get along like a house on fire.”

“Grams, you just gave the woman who has been caring for you the finger.”

“You sound disgusted. Come on, Jay Bird. It’s a joke.”

Amused, I shook my head, smiling. “You’re bad.”

“How do you think I get through most days? She makes for a good laugh.” She stuck her thumb up. “You’ve got to make your own fun around here.”