She looked content. I wanted to slink out the door and run as fast as I could, far away from Linda and Emerson Street.
“Well, goodnight.”
“Will you be by tomorrow?” she asked. “Your grandmother would love to see you.”
I didn’t move, just stood there, like an idiot, trying to find the right words to wish Linda a fond farewell. I shoved my hands into my pockets. “I’m not sure. I’ve got a lot of studying and homework to do.”
“Your grandmother enjoys seeing you.”
“I know. We’ll see.” Maybe I could get Mom or Dad to drop by, if they weren’t too busy with the work they had to do for…themselves.
“Bye.” I opened the door, stared out into the dead of night.
“Take care, young man.”
“I will. If you need anything, call my parents.”
“I have their number tacked to the side of the fridge.”