“Where’s Dad?” he asked Jervis, the butler, when he saw him approaching.
“Your father is not to be disturbed,” he said in his lofty English accent.
“Not to be disturbed?” Dezi repeated sarcastically. “Strange you should use that word because the old man is very disturbed, and I don’t mean by visitors. His brain is warped! Now, where is he?”
“Mr. Falconi has given strict—”
“Look, you English twit, if you don’t tell me where his is, I promise you, I’ll tear this place apart until I find him.”
“Uh…well…he’s in the study, but—”
Not listening, Dezi raced toward the study and swung the door open, seeing his father turn and look whenhe heard the disturbance.
Without saying another word, Dezi ran up to him and hit him in the face with his fist. The next thing Dezi knew, he was being grabbed by two of his father’s goons and held back.