“Interested in you? You bet I am. Like I said, I don’t know you well enough yet to decide if it’ll be more than that, in time. There’s only one way to find out.”
“By coming back with us?” Lorne asked.
“No.” I swept my arm around. “This is my home now. This house, this city, a new life. Not a different one. I’m still me. I’m going to keep doing what I do and I won’t make any excuses for it.”
Lorne tapped his chest. “Where do I fit in?”
“It’s up to you. If you’re serious about how you feel about me then ask yourself if there’s anythingreason to stay where you are, other than a job you don’t particularly like.”
“It’s where Kyler lived…and died,” he said quietly.
I nodded. “I get that. But is it reason enough not to give us a chance?”
“I don’t know!”