Chapter 5

Great. Now I had to figure out how to apologize to our precious client. See what I mean about life not ever doing me any favors? Though perhaps I’d brought a lot of this on myself, but I wasn’t thinking about that.

I took a deep breath, let it out, and picked up the phone. It rang twice before the receptionist at Donal’s firm answered, then transferred me to his line at my request. It went to voicemail immediately. Damn it. When the beep sounded, I didn’t know what to say.

“Um…Mr. Soames? Er, Donal? This is, uh, Nye.” Geez, how articulate. “I was calling to see if, uh, everything is okay, with the contract? We haven’t heard from you and I hoped, well, really, I wanted to, kind of, um, apologize for, you know. So, anyway, uh, bye.” Yeah, I hung up before it could get any worse, and thunked my head on the desk. Twice. And then once more, just for effect. I was an idiot.