I had tried relationships before, but I was either too acerbic, or not adventurous enough in bed, or notthe right build, or looks, or whatever. The dating game had gotten old fast, then work had become my passion because I could at least exert some sort of control over that.
If Ingrid’s instincts were correct about Donal’s interest, then what did I do about it, if anything? Was I kidding myself, or was that just years of bitterness talking?
As difficult as I could be, what was it like for someone like Donal? Did I even have a chance with the man? And how did I go about finding out more? So aggravating, this dating thing, or whatever it was.
Thoughts in a whirl, I decided to go to the grocery store early, for once, and stock up for the week. There was a Publix five blocks from the condo, so I chose to walk, especially since the wind was brisk and in the teens with wind speed. At least the sun was out.