I laughed, then nodded. “It’s harder to find the abstract, but yes, I can do it.”
Wes let out a low whistle. “I didn’t know that was even possible. Shit, Julian, you’ve got some serious fucking talent.”
“Normally, I do.” I couldn’t keep the frustration from my voice. I was the best because I’d worked hard to achieve it. To have my abilities all but taken away infuriated me. I wasn’t supposed to have limitations, and I was willing to do anything to fix it.
Wes must have realized exactly what I was thinking and feeling because he moved and sat behind me, stretching his legs on either side of mine. I leaned back into his body, letting him take my weight. His arms wrapped around me. I made a contented noise, soaking in his warmth. Slowly, most of the tension eased from my body.
“It’s all right, babe. We’ll figure this out,” Wes’s deep voice soothed in my ear. He placed a warm, open-mouthed kiss to the side of my neck. “Tell me how I can help you.”