Chapter 14

Graham squeezed his hand and scooted closer until their knees bumped. “How long ago did this happen?”

“About six months ago. You’re dad is only the third person I’ve worked with like this.”

“You’re really good at it. My dad already loves you,” Graham told him, wanting to see that spark backin his eyes.

“He’s a good guy. I like him. And I like working directly one-on-one with someone. It makes me feel useful. Like I’m making a difference. The ER left me feeling lost. Unsuccessful. Too many patients died.” His shoulders slumped.

“My dad’s not going to make it,” Graham whispered, blinking back unexpected tears.

“I know.” Sam frowned. “This disease sucks. But you’re amazing with him. So many people get frustrated or easily annoyed by the constant forgetting, or endless questions, but you’re so patient, Graham. And I’m impressed with how well he’s doing.”