Chapter 25

“Sam sounds awesome,” Marc exclaimed when Graham relayed the man’s view that Graham was just “scared of commitment.” “I have got to meet this man!”

It felt good to hang out with his friend. His dad was safe and he was able to relax and just “be.” They spent the rest of the evening eating brownies, talking, eating more junk food, and watching movies. Around 2:00 A.M., they headed to Graham’s bed. Marc was the one man he allowed to spend the night with him, but he was starting to think that could change. He missed Sam, which was silly since he’d seen him on Thursday.

The “missing someone” thing was new to Graham. He’d never felt it and it made the decision to stay single even more confusing. The armor he’d created around his heart was cracking and his resolve was crumbling.

The last thing on his mind as he drifted off to sleep—other than wishing Marc didn’t snore—was Sam. Graham couldn’t wait to see him on Monday.

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