Chapter 47

“I take it she isn’t aware we’re meeting.” The other man studied his knife, rotated it so a capturedspot of light dazzled Rich a couple of times.

“You would be right.” Rich sipped at his water—a moment of calm to organise his thoughts. Though he’d considered various ways to handle the situation, depending on Christopher’s reaction, the choice proved difficult. The vibe Rich picked up amounted to nothing more than warm curiosity. “I’ve no real experience with the company and seek your advice.”

The statement received a blink and well it might. Rich’s confession, though not a straightforward statement of truth, was no lie. He put his best gambit into play.

“Any particular details concern you?” The question was no sooner out of Christopher’s mouth than their first course arrived and distracted him. Both men set to their meals.

After two spoonfuls of the excellent soup, Rich buttered a roll, and chose to be truthful. “My father undertook the roles of CEO and chairman combined.”