“How about another story?” Sartin spoke up, sensing the political tone, and wishing to keep the children out of the adult politics.
“Yes!” Bertig clapped his hands.
“This is the Story of Klem, Kirklin’s mate…” Sartin began.
* * * *
The Story of Klem
Kirklin’s first Sacrifice devastated the entire pod, but no one was more affected than Klem. She focused all her energy to care for their son, Kudron.
Kirklin’s Sacrifice destroyed Klem. In a fit of grief, she swam to the surface and rested on a crag of rocks near the shore. Her grief came forth in her song that was a mixture of the song she created with Kirklin and the language she created with Kudron. The Sea People knew her song was a sad cry of grief.
Klem’s weeping mesmerized the land people nearby. Enamored by her physical beauty and the fact that she was a Sea Person, they jumped on top of a tree whale in search of the beautiful Klem.