“What about the others?” Sartin asked Sommar and the others immediately around him.
“That was a couple of moon periods ago,” Sommar answered.
“Oh my, I’ve forgotten how long I’ve been gone.”
“Yes, but now you are home and it’s time to start our lives.”
The Sea People went their separate ways, breaking up into their respective resting spots on Winter Cove.
“Let’s swim!” Sommar said, pulling Sartin through the dwindling crowd toward the open water.
Sommar and Sartin stopped to see who had hailed him.
“Wickizer!” Sartin exclaimed.
“I’m glad you’re home,” Wickizer said.
Words escaped him. When he came to on the beach, his anger overwhelmed him. He also blamed Wickizer for his captivity on the wooden whale. The greeting Wickizer offered was much of an apology as he was going to get.
“It’s nice to be back.”
Wickizer smiled.