WebNovelLiving It33.33%

Chapter 8

“So, Davion, what do you do?” Jackson asked after Davion informed the server of his choice of food anddrink.

Jonah glared at Jackson. “Behave.”

Jackson smirked. “Just trying to start a conversation with your loverboy, Jojo.”

Jonah winced in embarrassment while Davion eyed him in confusion. “It’s my childhood moniker.”

Davion nodded. “That’s nice. Mine is Dave or Vion. Anyway, I work at the museum as a curator.”

Jacqueline cut in before Jonah could respond. “Nice. Anyway, which one of your nicknames do you like better?”


“That’s wonderful,” Mom spoke up from the other side while reaching out for Davion’s hand. “Speaking of childhood, I have so many things to tell you about Jojo here.”

Jonah almost choked in shock. “Mom, I’m sure Davion has no interest in hearing any of those boring oldthings from my past.”

His mom beamed at him before turning toward Davion. “Nonsense. What do you think, Dave? Care to indulge an old woman as she takes a trip down memory lane?”