WebNovelLiving It37.50%

Chapter 9

“You take care of each other now.”

“We will, Mrs. Wong,” Davion replied. “Thank you so much, both of you, for allowing me to join the family dinner.”

Dad smiled at Davion. “You’re welcome. I’ll see you next Monday, Jonah. Bring Davion, too.”

“Sure thing, Dad.”

“Thanks, sir.”

Jonah grinned at Davion once his parents exited the restaurant. “Thank you for coming.”

“You don’t have to thank me. It’s my pleasure.”

The two of them were quiet for a moment. He didn’t know how to proceed from this point onward. He was taken aback when Davion grabbed his hands before leaning in closer.


Davion blushed as he leaned in closer toward Jonah. “May I kiss you?”

Jonah gulped and nodded. “Absolutely. Please.”