WebNovelLiving It62.50%

Chapter 15

“It was great.”

Elizabeth gaped at him for a second or two. “What? That’s it?”

“Yes. You’re nosy.”

“But I told you about my happy hours with Mia,” Elizabeth whined while waggling her eyebrows at the same time, which was a skill that eluded Davion.

“Nope. I’m keeping that side of my life private until my final dying breath.”

Elizabeth sighed. “Okay. Just tell me one thing. Is he a good kisser?”

Davion couldn’t stop the heat from creeping up his neck and cheeks as the memory of his and Jonah’s first kiss flooded his mind. “Yes.”

“Aw, that’s so sweet. So, when’s the wedding date?”

Davion almost choked on the steamed chicken strips he’d included with the noodles. “Holy crap, Liz. It’s way too early to talk about that.”

“But do you want to marry him?”

He couldn’t deny it. “Yeah.”

“Are you having feelings for him already?”

“A little bit.”


“All right. Fine. A lot more than just a little bit. Are you satisfied now?”