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Chapter 16


Jonah had no idea how things could take a turn for the worse so fast. His relationship with Davion was going great. His restaurant business was still flourishing and prospering. Davion even joined him to have dinner with his family a couple of times. He noticed Davion stressing out more as the date for the special exhibition at the museum loomed right around the corner. Hence, he did his best to give his lover some breathing space despite his yearning to be near to Davion as often as possible.

The two of them would often spend nights sleeping over at either his penthouse or Davion’s rented apartment. He did most of the cooking for them while Davion would deal with the cleaning. It was such a domestic feeling, and he loved it. They also liked to cuddle on the couch for an hour or two before goingto bed. They didn’t make love to each other every day, but they did it enough to keep them both more than satisfied. At least he felt that way.