Finally they pulled into port. The day was cloudy and overcast, which Castien prayed did not augur ill for his visit to Daeron’s homeland. When he let Daeron know of his apprehension, he just laughed and told Castien he had best get used to it, the weather at this time of year was more often than not rainy and gloomy.
They were met at the docks by two of Daeron’s men who took them to a nearby inn where they dined and spent a pleasant evening telling grossly exaggerated stories of their varied adventures. At least the others did, Castien remained silent. He listened and very occasionally let them know with mime and chuckles he found their tales to be amusing but unbelievable. More than once Daeron leaned close to tell him that while they were embroidering their exploits for the enjoyment of the other patrons, the basic information was indeed true.