“Damnation,” he muttered. “Castien, get ready to leave immediately, gods know how much longer we have before they return. You,” he turned to the lad, “are coming with us.” That said he started out of the room.
The lad jumped up with a shake of his head as he glared at Daeron. “I won’t go with you, you can’t make me.”
“I’m very much afraid we can indeed, one way or the other, so you might as well accept it. Besides from what little you’ve said I don’t see that you have anything holding you here, you mentioned no family, only yourself.”
“Well, yes, I am alone, but still you have no right to take me, you know that.” He stared at them, tossed his head angrily, then went to pick up a cape that lay on the floor where he had been kneeling when Castien had found him. He flung it over his shoulders defiantly and headed to the door, trying to brush past Daeron.