Chapter 14

With a shake his head, Castien pointed to the bed. Theirn scowled at him and walked away. He told Castien to turn around so he could change his clothes.

When Castien just stood and watched, Theirn shrugged then began to undo the fastenings on the gown. That was when Castien knew for certain Theirn had every intention of coming with him no matter how he felt about it. He watched for a moment longer as the dress slid off Theirn’s slender body.

Exquisite, pure poetry. If this were a different time and place…

A wave of desire flooded Castien and he turned abruptly, thereby missing the surprised and knowing look on Theirn’s face. With his back to Theirn, Castien changed his clothes, unaware Theirn was observing him with as much interest as he had momentarily allowed himself to watch the lad.

Castien then slipped Ange into the sheath at his waist and put a second dagger in his boot. He watched as Theirn put his own knife into the carrier on the purse that hung on his belt.