Castien smiled and signed. “Here I am. Have you been looking for me?”
“I just…” Theirn looked upset. “Don’t kill me, please.”
“Out with it, lad.”
“All right, I was looking for you and someone said you were up on the ramparts. So I went up and I overheard part of what you and Daeron were saying and I’m not a…a whore and how dare he imply I am,” Theirn spat out.
“He said no such thing.”
“You spoke of procuring and he said I would be willing to go to your bed!”
With a shake of his head Castien beckoned to Theirn to follow him. When the lad just stood where he was with a scowl on his face, Castien mouthed, “Come, now,” as he started down the long hallway. He realized Theirn was not behind him and for a fleeting moment wondered if his problem had been solved. In good conscience though he could not leave the lad thinking what he did. Besides, if he were honest with himself he wanted this thing that might be happening between them to come to fruition, or to die before it was born.