Theirn stopped at one point, scowling at a particularly barren area along one side of the pass. “It should be warmer than this, and there,” he pointed, “that should be green and flourishing, not brown and sere. He has done something to the land, something evil.”
“Drawing power from it,” Castien suggested.
“I will kill him for that alone,” Theirn growled.
“I do not fault your feelings, my lad, but that is not why we are here.”
“I know, but…” Theirn smiled wanly. “I know.” He started forward only to stop a few yards farther on. When Castien arched an eyebrow in inquiry Theirn pointed again, this time at an almost invisible path branching off from the one they were on. “Do you hear it?”
Castien listened intently then nodded. “Water. A stream?”
“No. It sounds more like a waterfall.” Theirn started down the path with Castien immediately behind him.