“He has, it seems, already decided which female he wants to be his spouse,” Castien told him. “That is why we are here.”
“Ahh.” Lain lifted an eyebrow in question and Castien explained. When he had finished Lain nodded. “It would be an alliance which would profit him greatly. I can understand your Cor is worried and seeks more information about the prince.”
“Indeed.” Castien again fell into deep thought before he asked, “Is there a way to enter the palace without his knowledge? One that would not require the use of magic?”
“Only by invitation, which,” Lain chuckled as he looked at their garb, “I doubt he would offer you.”
“True.” Castien smiled slightly. “Does he visit the mines?”
“Often, however when he does his soldiers are there to protect him.”
Theirn was puzzled. “If he is so powerful why does he need so much protection? Could he not stop anyone who tried to attack him with just a wave of his hand?”