Chapter 46

“Look,” Theirn said sharply, pointing.

Lain did and muttered, “Foolish woman, what do you think you are doing?”

Alassiel had exited the hut and now stood beside Castien as she talked to him and Beleg. Castien shook his head adamantly but Beleg appeared to agree with whatever she had said. He gestured toward three of his men who lay wounded on the sand a few yards away. Castien tapped his lips before he set a spell. It took Lain only a moment to realize which one it was as he watched Beleg and Alassiel move quickly to the men. A few of the prince’s remaining soldiers started toward them only to stop, fear limning their faces. Lain quickly lifted his longbow, nocked an arrow, and shot. One soldier fell, mortally wounded. A second followed him as Lain shot again. Beleg saved him the bother of killing the third one by dint of a thrust to the soldier’s chest and a slice across his gut that disemboweled him.

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