Castien studied the cliffs, then turned when Beleg tapped his shoulder. The man pointed to a small, dark area high above them, barely visible from where they stood. “Another cave?” he asked and Beleg nodded it was. Castien ordered Lain and a very reluctant Theirn, who scowled at him but said not a word, to go up there and they immediately departed.
Alassiel reappeared at that moment to look in question at Castien. He would have told her where the others were but the sounds of screaming horses and then clashing swords put an end to any conversation. He pointed to the hut and she immediately entered it. He and Beleg stationed themselves on either side of the door, weapons in hand. Castien threw up several shields that would at least slow down the first of what he knew would be major magical attacks from the prince and his mages once they made it through the pass onto the shore.
And so they waited.Chapter 26