Chapter 48

“And then,” Theirn said, “I leapt down to decapitate the soldier, armed only with my trusty dagger.” He looked up from the children seated on the floor around him, saw Castien shake his head in amused disbelief, and told him with a grin, “Well, it was somewhat like that.”

“Yes, my love, somewhat,” Castien mouthed as he crossed to join him. He looked down at the upturned faces of the village children and signed, “He was a hero.”

“No,” Theirn immediately protested, “you were the hero, you and Lain.”

“Everyone was a hero in their own ways,” Beleg said as he came into the room. “And now, children, it is time for you to return to your homes.” The children immediately jumped to their feet. One tiny girl ran over to Castien to hug his leg before disappearing with the rest. When they were gone, Beleg asked Castien how he was.

“Tired still, but well,” Castien responded as he sat on a bench beside the table at one side of the room. “How fare the others?”