Even if it did hurt.
Even if his T-shirt was stuck to his back with sweat. Even if his side was exploding in a stitch. Even if there were black dots dancing at the edges of his vision, and he could feel the air in his lungs like knives.
“Christ, look at that lass go. That’s motivation for you.”
He gritted his teeth, reached out, and bumped the speed just a little higher.
That lass.
Not anymore.
* * * *
Things went to hell in a handbasket just before Beatriz reached five months old.
Their happy, bubbly baby was transformed into a demon from the ninth circle of hell. The nights—which had been slowly quietening down as she began to sleep in heftier clumps—exploded into mayhem, with screaming on the hour, every hour, enough to bring the house down. Even the neighbours started complaining.
She was teething.
“Isn’t this a bit early?” Erik asked when—on only the fourth day of the screaming—Andreas called Lauren and she appeared within an hour with a box of various teething rings.