Time to get himself sorted.
He hated his mental reliance on the way his body looked and felt, but it was inescapable. The fact his top surgery hadn’t given way and let him grow breasts again had been the only positive side of the horrendous way his body had ballooned during pregnancy. It wasn’t even so much the weight gain as where he’d gained it—his bum, his thighs, his hips, even his face. Where men didn’t. Where women did. He’d been softer. Curvier. Feminine. Female.
And he’d had enough.
The gym was only a few streets away from where they lived. Ideally, he would begin a training regime after a long time away by swimming, but not only did the gym not actually have a pool, Andreas wasn’t in a fit state to try it psychologically. He looked and felt bad enough without squeezing himself into a swimming costume and pretending to be a woman, or donning trunks and praying everyone else in the building wouldn’t notice.