“Thank you,” I whispered, and allowed myself to linger for a few heartbeats, inhaled the scent of his hair—was that honey?—before I let go of him. His brown eyes were melty and warm as I stepped away, and his hands twitched as if he wanted to reach out to me.
But instead, he gave me a final smile. “See you around,” he said and walked out.
My apartment was cold and empty after he left. 6: Levi
Virgo (August 23—September 22)
With Mars in your adventure sector, you’re in for a passionate day. First you need to overcome an obstacle, but after that, it’s smooth sailing. Call someone as you jack off and moan in their ear. Send someone a dick pic. Flash someone on the subway. The sky’s the limit, be adventurous.
* * * *
I paced the length of my room as the phone rang, and I waited for Matt to pick up. I rarely called him, so whenever I did he always answered, even if he was busy.
Today was no exception. “Levi. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong.”