I needed to know what he looked like naked. Did he have body hair? All visible signs pointed to yes, but I had to know for sure. Please, please, please, let him have hair on his chest. And his belly. Oh, God, a hairy belly was my favorite characteristic in a man. I also needed to know if he was as cuddly as I imagined. I bet he was a snuggler and would let me lay glued to him without complaining. He would probably give me that warm smile and indulge me, and we would sleep with our limbs entwined and wake up and make love first thing in the morning, and I—
“Sorry I’m late.”
I blinked and looked up from my phone as Matt threw himself into the chair. He never could sit down like a normal person. “As usual.”
He’d only just sat down when the waitress came up to our table. “Hiya boys. How’s your mama?”
“Hello, Miss Myrna,” we said in chorus.
“She’s fine,” Matt added.
Miss Myrna nodded. “Excellent. Little ones keeping her busy?”
“They sure are,” I replied.